Saturday, April 7, 2012

Why a rescue dog?

Libby wanted a Maltese, and you can probably see why from these pictures we swiped from the web:

Wait a minute...
Morin and I think that here are too many house pets out there without a home, so we will not go to a breeder for a new animal. All of our critters are from rescue organizations, and because of the web it’s getting much easier to locate the pet you think you want. The easiest thing to do is enter a search for the pet you want in Libby had seen and liked a Shih-poo (Shih tsu - poodle cross) walking in town one day and she found a few on Petfinder. There was a grown one available for adoption in a nearby town, so we contacted the rescue group which, oddly, was called Cat Assistance. That particular dog had been adopted, but the woman who ran the place said she was getting two puppies from a puppy mill the next week. We were first on their waiting list, so we had a choice between these two girls:

We chose the girl on the left because she seemed more interested in us. And I think you’ll agree that 

she’s just, I don’t know, nobler. She was easy to house train and she grew up to be a lovely dog as I said before. We used the classic crate-training method which you can find all over the web, but here’s one site:

When we learned that Coco wasn’t housebroken yet we thought we’d just treat her like a puppy and crate train her as we did for Pixy. 

We learned pretty quickly that there was going to be more to it than that.

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